3 Common Concerns When Hiring Professional Copywriters


Why investing in copywriting for your small business is doable & worth it

There’s no point in talking about how many tasks in your small business fall on your shoulders. That’s a drum that’s been beat one too many times. You’re busy — with work, with family, with life — that’s not a surprise to you.

What may surprise you is that contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to write everything you need to market your small business on your own. I’m willing to bet that you can hire a website copywriter or an email marketing writer that you’d be happy with sooner than you’d think!

In my experience, there are 3 reasons why small business owners think they can’t outsource to professional copywriters:

  1. It won’t sound like me.

  2. It’s too expensive.

  3. Copy isn’t important.

If you nodded your head at any one of these reasons, then I’ve got good news for you!

“Choose Your Words” Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

“Choose Your Words” Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash


Here's the thing about copywriting investments with Local Type — it’s not about overhauling your entire marketing strategy at once.

We'll look at your budget and decide what we can do to make the greatest impact in your business while remaining within your budget.

I care a lot about financial responsibility. I'm not going to ask you to spend more than you have. If you follow Local Type on Instagram, you may have seen my posts about saving for a marketing budget. I stand by that.

“Genius Demands Effort” Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

“Genius Demands Effort” Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Brand Voice

Before every Local Type project, I get to know your brand voice to the absolute best of my ability. I read through your emails, social media and website content and give you the opportunity to tell me more about the way you want your small business to sound!

And when the project is wrapping up, you get a chance to let me know if there’s anything you’d like me to change.

Of course, once you’ve got the final copy, you can make changes over time. I’ve crafted them with great attention to detail, but they’re your words to use as you please.

“I am with you” Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

“I am with you” Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash


Copy is important, but not because it manipulates people into buying from your small business. It’s important because it answers the questions they have, but don't want to ask.

If you provide a quality product or service, you don't need to feel bad about selling. You have something others want and need, and they're willing to trade their money for it. There's no shame in that.

But maybe you’ve heard someone say, “People don’t like to read,” or “people don’t really read your website.” To that I say, not everyone will read every word on the page. It’s true.

But people exist who are very interested in what you have to offer, but they’re looking for a reason NOT to buy from you. They’re thinking it’s too good to be true, but IT IS TRUE! For those people, you’ve got to answer their questions before they’re willing to reach out to you.

That’s what strategic, well-laid-out copywriting helps you do.

If you’re considering hiring a professional copywriter to help you market your Carolina-based small business, there’s something I want you to know. I’m here for you.

When you need to get on the phone to brainstorm and see if I’m the right copywriter for you, I’m happy to do so — even if you’re on the fence about outsourcing your website words, social media captions or marketing emails.

All you have to do is reach out to say hello.


All You Gotta Do is Sayso!


Outsourcing Your Brand Voice