Outsourcing Your Brand Voice

Copywriter taking notes on client’s brand voice

3 Things to Know About Communicating Your Brand Voice to a Copywriter

Whether or not you realize it, your business has a brand voice and you’re the expert on it.

Every business has a voice. If you have a personality-based brand, your business’ voice will sound a lot like your own. If not, it may have (or need) a unique voice that’s designed to speak to its ideal customers.

Even if your brand voice needs clarity, it’s there. And if you plan to outsource your copywriting, you’ll need to help your copywriter understand what your brand voice sounds like.

One of the most common sentiments I hear from small business owners is that they’re afraid their website, emails or social media posts won’t sound like them if they hire a copywriter.

The more you’re able to communicate with your copywriter and the more they’re willing to invest the time necessary to get to know you and your brand voice, the better.

Collaboration is key.

Here are 3 things you need to know to clearly communicate your brand voice to a copywriter or content writer.

  1. Copywriters aren’t mind readers (even though we wish we could be). You’ll need to do some homework upfront to get us up to speed.

  2. The more we write in your brand voice, the better we’ll be at it. When you communicate preference-based edits, tell us why you’re requesting those changes. This will help us identify brand voice elements and the reasoning behind them that we may not have considered before.

  3. Speaking of edits, we want them. We want you to be excited to use the words we’ve written for you. If you don’t speak up and decide to make the edits on your own, you’re less likely to use them at all. Let us help!

Having a hard time letting go of control? Figure out what you're passionate about and outsource the rest to trusted professionals.

Start with a smaller project, get to know their communication style, their work ethic, etc. If you stick with them, you’ll find that they start to feel like part of your team.

Even if you know enough to be dangerous, you can save time and accomplish more by hiring a copywriter (or a graphic designer, brand photographer or social media manager).  

I support DIY copywriting. In the early days of your small business, there’s often no way around it.

DIY copywriting allows you to begin to grow your business and down the road, you'll know the value of hiring a local copywriter (and be able to afford it, too).

Local Type printable brand voice guide

Want to get clear on your brand voice? Complete the Brand Voice Download I use to get to know my clients’ businesses.

You will discover your business’s voice, understand why it’s important and learn how your voice can work for you in a consistent and personality-filled way!


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