15 Question Email Marketing Checklist

Less nerves. More marketing emails sent. You’ve got this!

Happy email marketer

Wait! Before you send that marketing email or newsletter ask yourself these 15 questions!

Okay, admittedly, 90% of the time, I’ll tell you to just send the dang email. Showing up is better than ghosting subscribers that have asked to receive your emails.

However, I know that this can feel a bit haphazard when you feel the pressure to send to a large list, whether a large list in your mind is 30 subscribers or 3M subscribers.

So, I dug through my copywriting vault (i.e. desktop folders) to find my email marketing checklist.

Hopefully, as you’re writing and sending emails in the future, you’ll find this list handy. If nothing else, it can serve as a confidence booster that you’ve got all your email newsletter ducks in a row.

Ready? Let’s do this.

  1. Is the “send from name” correct?

  2. Are your subject and teaser updated?

  3. Which segments are you sending to?

  4. Have you checked your spelling/grammar?

  5. Does your message require a restrictions line?

  6. Are you following your brand guidelines?

  7. Have you checked the links?

  8. Have you added alt text to the images?

  9. Have you checked the mobile view?

  10. If an email user can’t view the images, will they still understand your email?

  11. Current header/footer (hours)

  12. Have you accidentally included any images of products or collections that aren’t on sale?

  13. If you have someone that’s a second pair of eyes, have they review the email?

  14. If you’re able based on the email platform you use, have you included a plain text version of your email?

  15. If you’re able, have you set up a second send with a unique subject line for subscribers who didn’t open the first version?

Okay! How are you feeling?

Feeling good? Great!

Still nervous? Email me at sarahstricker@localtypeco.com! And if that’s still too formal for your style, message me on Instagram at @local.type.

There are many things to check before clicking that send or schedule button. Once you find a groove or create a template for your small business marketing emails, that’s when the fun kicks in and you can truly tap into the effectiveness of email marketing.

Okay, then, why are you still here? Go write an email, ask me to write a few emails for you or message me and ask all your email-type questions!


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